Saturday, August 6, 2005

Mountains Lost

I declare myself lost without my friends. Everytime I hear one of their names all I want to do is call them, but all I really do is start to cry and then I tell myself that it's stupid to cry. But that’s how much I miss all of them. I want to call and talk to them, but I just can't get myself to actually do it. I miss you guys so much.
What is it with guys and getting into your mind? Even 6 hours away and knowing I won't see him for months I still can't help but think about him all the time. I missed an entire algebra lecture because I was staring off in to space thinking about him. Ahh. It's so annoying.

The Black Hills are literally hills. People call them mountains or peaks, like Harney peak the highest point east (I think) of the rocky mountains, and all they really are, are rolling mountains at the most. There are no beautiful peaks or ridges or anything that the rockies have. There are some awesome roads that look like fun to drive in a small car or ride a bike on. The black hills are pretty but they aren't enough to make me not miss Colorado. I miss seeing the mountains all the time. Here you have to drive for about 10 - 20 min. to see the hills. I don't know if I will last more than a year here before I transfer to somewhere else. I'm thinking that Norwich or I might even go as far as going in-state to Ft. Louis.

Friday, August 5, 2005

I'm at school and already hate it. There's a guy in my classes that seems to like me and I kind of like him, but I'm not sure. At times he reminds me of Mike Hack (sp), Which is really scary. There's this website for SDSM&T where you can rate guys or girls from the school. There are some really ugly guys here.