Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Well I guess my question has been answered. The answer as I suspected is no.

He's done it again. He knocked me done in a matter of seconds. Why do I let him do this to me? He's almost as bad as my mom. She's the master of verbal abuse. One word and I’m gone groveling at her feet begging her to tell me what I can do to fix everything. It doesn't have to be my fault. I don't even have to be in the country and it still works. I thought I had finally gotten beyond it and figured out how to ignore it, but last night was proof that I haven't. I hope your happy asshole you made me cry. Not that that’s new, but this time I couldn't even keep it in until I was by myself. It's your fault that I couldn't go home and get in bed and go to sleep like I wanted. I had to wait until you were asleep because you have asbergers which means you have no control over what you do. Bullshit. It’s all just a lie. It’s a disease made up so dumb fucks can use it as an excuse for when they feel like hurting people.

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