Friday, December 9, 2005


What is it about me that is so repulsive? No matter how hard I try I can never make any friends here. I don't care to have a lot of friends; just a few that I can go talk to or hang out with when I want. All you people that live on my floor give me so much crap about not leaving my room often, but you don't make it all that easy. Anytime I try to, most of you, especially the girls make me feel like a freak who shouldn't be hanging around you. Maybe I should transfer then at least I would have my family within 15 minutes of me, so I could just leave campus and go hang with the people that actually want to see me. People need to learn some respect around here. They are all so incredibly stuck up and think they are so great that they can't see how stupid they sound. I will be walking somewhere with my roommates and we will come upon someone that we all know and that person will all most always only say hi to them and completely ignore me. Even if we were just talking the night before or even a few hours earlier. You know that does hurt just a little bit, even know I never let it be known.

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